Saturday, August 15, 2009

A Break from the Stress...kinda

North of the peaks on a sweet loop


My new Pimp Subaru to get me places in style.
Now I really am a Flagstafian.

I am so bad at keeping up with this site. I apologize. This summer has not gone how I expected it to. After my last post I raced the MBAA State Final up here in Flag. Considering I only had about 2 weeks of good riding leading up to it 3rd in pro was alright with me. Timmy took 1st and Scott Keller took 2nd I ended up about 3min back. I just wish I was training and riding more consistent this year, not ride hard for a month then hurt for two. Oh well I guess this is the year from hell for bike racing. The past 2 months or so I have just been trying to do everything else I love in life and not get so upset about biking. It has been good to take a break from stressing to be a "super pro" but it's time to get back in the game the monsoons hit and fall is just around the corner and that means single speed worlds and my annual trip to Kauai. Ok so when all you think about when not riding is riding the 1st thing you want to do when jumping back on the bike is go fast. Well here is what happens when your skills are not honed in to what they should be.

Tissue growing back into the void.

This is the second time I have fallen on a wide open mouth. I came into a section of trail just like any other time except my focus was not up to jedi standards which I believe is required for the speed I was going. Now flying through the air at about 20mph with my bike attached to my feet behind me I knew this was going to hurt. If any of you have ever fallen on rock in Flagstaff you would know that its not very forgiving. My hands hit but could not take the pressure then my lower lip and jaw became in theory a back hoe digging into the ground. I knocked the wind out of myself, my bike hit the back of me and my mouth was now filled with dirt and blood. I took a tooth count and made sure nothing was broken except my pride. For the next 12 miles or so I spit dirt filled dark blood all the way home. I thought that it was just a bad case of road rash in my mouth then the tooth ache and jaw pain started and in about 5 days it has tripled in pain. I feel like I can deal with alot of suffering but this truly is so painful, even my own spit stings like a bee sting over and over again let alone eating anything. I knew that going to a dentist would cost a bunch but luckily this town rocks and everyone helps everybody out so I called my fellow cyclist/dentist friend Jim and he hooked it up with free x-rays and advice oh and some prescriptions to help with my wussyness. I need to go back in on mon to make sure things are healing but no broken teeth or jaw that he could see just a lot of swelling and tenderness. So here I am now typing this blog on about 1000 mil of hydrocodone wishing the pain would stop. I need to get better soon b/c it's time to train hard for a week and then go race my shops "Old Fashion Mt Bike Race." I have won the single speed cat a few times but I want to win the whole thing this year. My head wants to race now its time for the rest of my body to cooperate. Keep you all posted sooner than later.

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